. Since you bore a much heavier one together with your innocent Son, should not I, a sinner deserving of eternal punishments, carry mine patiently? Mary, Mother of God, I choose you as my model of Eucharistic devotion. The Holy Spirit overshadowed you at the Annunciation, and on Pentecost He made your heart a furnace of Divine love. He was obedient and immediately arranged with you the celebration of your chaste nuptials. Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection. I breathe the name of one who is virgin and mother, Mother of God and Mother of men, my Mother. We celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15th. Mary, Mother of God, make my interior life of union with Jesus more like your own. At your request He worked the first miracle of His public life. But with these joys were also mingled bitter sorrows. You are the channel by which all the favors of Jesus descend upon us, even as it was through you and in union with you that during His mortal life He won for us whatever title we have to His gifts and graces. Mary, Mother of God, your divine maternity places you in a very wonderful relationship with the three divine Persons. You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. You formed His Body in order that it might be given us in death and in the Blessed Sacrament. It is the will of God that His aid should reach me through your heart, because you are my Mother, and motherliness means willingness to help. You were descended from the most renowned men of that nation and counted among your ancestors patriarchs prophets, leaders of the people of God and kings of the ancient law. When I say "Hail, Mary!" our lady of sorrows feast day. But this prophecy did not disturb your peace of mind because your will was one with the will of God. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 11 from 1 to 3 PM Celebrate the Patroness of our Community & the Americas with live Mariachi Music, Food, Drinks, Games, Procession, and Blessing In honor of Our Lady. You formed His eyes, to look upon us with mild and pitying glance and to weep over us. You are the holiest of women, the Virgin-Mother thrice holy, because you are holy of the Father, holy of the Son, holy of the Holy Spirit of Love. He made you immaculate in view of the fact that Jesus Christ, the God-man, was to take His Flesh and Blood from you. After the Ascension you found the past under another form; the consecrated Bread the Apostle John placed on your lips was Jesus, who was formed from your own flesh and with whom your body was again united. He was with you not only by His essence, His presence, and His power, as He is with all His creatures. 500 days. Manila Archdiocese Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula will preside over the grand fiesta mass at 12 noon Sunday, Dec. 12, at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City, in solemn commemoration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the principal patroness of the Philippines, Mexico, and the Americas, and the protector of the unborn. Truly, you are "light-giving" because you have given us Jesus, the Light of the World. The virtue of holy prudence guides man in his choice of purposes and in the best means to attain them. Feast Days of Mary January 1Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God *January 8Our Lady of Prompt SuccorFebruary 2Presentation of the LordFebruary 11Our Lady of LourdesMarch 25AnnunciationMay 13Our Lady of FatimaMay 31VisitationJune 27Our Mother of Perpetual HelpJuly 16Our Lady of Mount CarmelAugust 15Assumption *August 22Queenship of MarySeptember 8Birth of . Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. May the Rosary also be a means of obtaining all the graces I need for the sanctification and salvation of my soul. Angels came to escort you. Feast, August 22Octave of the Assumption (Novena, August 13-21) 1. 1. You bore your sorrows bravely because you received them from God's hands. At your prayer Jesus changed the water into wine in Cana. Jesus is the most beautiful of men; you were His mould, His mirror, and He, yours. Your own extraordinary grace and merit, your own wondrous privileges give to your prayer an irresistible force and power. 3. The Eternal Father unfolded His Omnipotence in order to form in you a heart full of sweetness and obedience to your Creator. In that instant the Word of God became forever united to humanity; the human soul of Jesus Christ, produced from nothing, began to enjoy God and to know all things past, present, and to come. I believe the teaching of the Church concerning the union of the human and divine natures in Christ: that Jesus Christ is God and man, perfect God and perfect man and that this divinity and humanity are united in only one person so that the actions of the divine nature or the human nature are the actions of one person, the divine Person. Mary, Mother of God, your apparition at Guadalupe teaches me that devotion to you is a source of great graces. Your Heart is also a generous Heart, full of love, abounding in mercy. His mother named him after the great St. Francis of Assisi. You beheld Him suspended by iron nails. Sanctify them first, so that they may then more effectively sanctify others. This is your role of universal Dispenser of all graces. Let my consecration of myself to God be made under your patronage and assisted by your intercession and in union with your merits. Evening Prayer to Our Blessed Mother 1. Let me never esteem worldly wisdom so highly as to pay but little attention to the principles of that wisdom which is from heaven and which alone can make me truly wise and happy. Whoever abides in this Church will bring forth much salutary fruit; whereas they who willingly separate themselves from it must wither away spiritually. Mary, Mother of God, your name is most glorious and most powerful. From the moment of His entering the world, your loving Son Jesus, was the price of our salvation. Mary, Mother of God, in the Kingdom of Heaven you are continually employed in deeds of kindness and mercy, therefore you are truly the Mother of Divine Providence. Since this is the mission of your life, to bring souls to God through Jesus, lead me to your loving Son. Mary, My Mother, I thank you for having suffered and wept for love of me that you might become my consolation in affliction. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for the triumph of God's Kingdom upon earth. Your womb was so pure, so immaculate that it became the Holy of Holies, in which Jesus Christ our Lord, the Eternal High Priest, alone found entrance. The Holy Spirit dwells in you as in a temple. More than ever before, we have need of your help today. 1. You brought Him into the world that He might be King, according to the words of the archangel: "And of His kingdom there shall be no end." 18, 3). Joachim was of the royal house of David, and Anne of the priestly family of Aaron. Jesus invites me to do so, for He said, "Take my yoke upon youMy yoke is easy and My burden light" (Matt. Their children also belong to God, for they are His gift. You saw in the cross an altar, in your Son a Priest, and in His Blood the price of our Redemption. You are the model of all virtues. And now as Mother of God and Mother of men, and as Queen of Heaven and Earth, you serve as a bond between God and men. Through your prayers you will obtain forgiveness for my past negligence. You are our Mother, because you have begotten us to the life of grace. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. I can best thank Jesus for His dying bequest by striving daily to become like John in his love and imitation of you. After the triumph of your Divine Son on the day of His Ascension, there never was, and there never will be, a triumph like that which you enjoyed on this day. This is why you were greeted by the angel in the words, "Hail, full of grace." You could also hold your own celebration of Our Lady by inviting friends and family to your home for a traditional Mexican meal. Keep my soul in good health so that when my body fails, my soul may be prepared to meet its Maker and Judge. The early Christians, all lovers of the Eucharist, who visited you frequently during your hidden life of adoration, must have taken away with them the spirit of your Eucharistic devotion. For from the moment when Jesus told you to see Him, in John, you saw Jesus in all Christians. Mary, Mother of God, at Pentecost you were with the Apostles, preparing for the Holy Spirit the promised Gift of your Son. As you knelt before the Sacred Species, you truly influenced the First Christians to be ardent lovers of your loving Son in the Blessed Sacrament. For the small sacrifice of being devoted to you I can obtain a happy death and eternal life. I believe that all graces, all heavenly blessings descend from Jesusas from the Headby means of youas the neckto the body of the Church. Mary, Mother of God, your greatness began at the first instant of your existence with the privilege of your Immaculate Conception. They spoke of you as His Virgin Mother and of the part you would play in the Redemption of mankind. Mary, Mother of God, how beautifully you expressed your gratitude and humility! In union with Him you also did the will of God perfectly as He exclaimed "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.". Later in the public life of Jesus, you sought no attention. Mary, Mother of God, teach me to be truly humble. We all rejoice because all the graces and spiritual benefits we have received and shall receive, all our future glory comes from this exalted mystery of the Incarnation. By this title I understand: (1) upon your mediation and intercession depends the distribution of the riches of the treasury which Jesus acquired for the salvation of men; (2) consequently, no grace comes to all of us as a body or to any of us in particular which you have not asked for in our behalf; (3) according to the order of things established by God, you have become, under Jesus Christ, after Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christfrom whom you can never be separatedthe source and principle for us of all supernatural life. What marvels of grace possessed your soul! "Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call His name Jesus. I want to turn to you in all my pressing needs and difficulties as to a most sure refuge, imploring the help of your protection, choosing you as my advocate, whole-heartedly entrusting my cause to you who are the Consoler of the Afflicted. If the honor of parents descends upon their children, what glory and joy for all of us, your children, to see you raised to such heights of glory! God had raised you to the highest dignity in His power in choosing you to be the Mother of His Son. 1. O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy, pray for me that I may be preserved this night all evil, whether of body or soul. In every struggle l am sure to find in you both help and consolation because you are the Mediatrix between sinners and your Divine Son. Mary, My Mother, your divine maternity is such a sublime privilege that no creature, not even you yourself, can understand it fully.